Embrace @CorteDellArte

Fossile 5 night
Fossile 5 day
Fossiles Prototype
Naitre 1
pas en verre 2
Seves brutes dessin

CORTE DELL ARTE GALLERY | EMBRACE | nathalie rodach + anne mourier

SEPTEMBRE 5th – NOVEMBRE 23rd 2020

Corte dell Arte, Castello 6482, Calle Del Cafetier
Venezia, 30122, Italy

Corte Dell’ Arte présente  Nathalie Rodach et Anne Mourier, deux artistes conceptuelles.

Depuis des millénaires l’homme a tenté de prouver son indépendance face a l’univers et sa capacité à le contrôler et le dominer, quitte à détruire son propre environnement.

Nous sommes l’univers, il nous contiens et nous le contennons aussi. En le détruisant nous nous détruisons.

Rodach présente des travaux sur papier, verre et vidéo et raconte le monde dans lequel nus nous reconnaissons. Rivières et sèves nous rappellent nos propres sangs : menstruels ou blessures de nos guerres. En miroir, le travail de verre de Mourier raconte nos corps fragiles et puissants, qui ressemblent aux collines, plantes ou océans, contennant l’univers.

Qu’y a t-il de plus vivant et créatif que cette danse entre deux artistes qui se rencontrent, se confrontent dans l’écoute et la collaboration.

Toute forme d’amour est créatrice de vie et d’extase.

Venice Glass Week 2020

Embrace-Venice GlassWeek 2020

VENICE GLASSWEEK 2020 | CORTE DELL ARTE GALLERY | EMBRACE | nathalie rodach + anne mourier

SEPTEMBER 5th-13th 2020

Corte dell Arte, Castello 6482, Calle Del Cafetier
Venezia, 30122, Italy


Corte Dell’ Arte presents Nathalie Rodach and Anne Mourier, both conceptual artists.

For millennia now man has been trying to prove that he is independent of the universe and has the ability to control and dominate it at the cost of destroying his own environment.

We are the universe. It contains us and we contain it. By destroying it we destroy ourselves.

Rodach presents works on paper, glass and video that tell the world in which we recognize ourselves. Rivers and sap from trees remind us of our own blood: menstrual or blood from scars and the wounds of our wars. In mirror, Mourier’s glassworks tell our fragile and powerful bodies resembling hills, plants or oceans, containing the universe.

What could be more alive and creative than the dance of two individuals who meet, confront each other, listen, collaborate?

All forms of love are creators and generators of life and ecstasy.


300 millions de critiques TV show opening – TV5 monde 2019

Sèves Brutes : Futur au Chateau Palmer, Présent à Arret sur l’image Galerie et passé au MADD Bordeaux

Seves Brutes Invitation
Seves brutes futur Projection
Seves brutes futur projection
seves brutes article Sud Ouest
seves brutes article Sud Ouest
Seves Brutes Madame Figaro
Seves Brutes Madame Figaro

I offer you a journey where the immense and elusive future is revealed in videos captured in the vineyards of Château Palmer, where the present stopped and overflowing on paper works are presented at Stop on the Image Gallery. Traces of the past, fossils, are to be sought in the courtyard of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design in Bordeaux. Museum of Decorative Arts and Design of Bordeaux from May 17 to September 17, 2018 Stop on the gallery image from May 17 to July 13, 2018 Château Palmer already passed

Nuit de la photo de la Chaux-de-Fonds, 8th édition

16 février 2019
Bird April 7th 2018
2018 Photography
Bird April 7th 2018
Nuit de la photographie
2019 Video
Inspirer et expirer en meme temps for the Photography night at la Chaux de Fonds

The La-Chaux-de-Fonds Photography Night presents my work Inspire and expire at the same time, video on Saturday February 16, 2019.

Adresse : 

Nests, burrows and other refuges – Teva

Teva and cheeps
Teva and cheeps
Teva's model
Teva's model
Teva and visitors
Teva and visitors
Teva and curious visitor
Teva and curious visitor
Teva secret
Teva secret

Commissioned by the Contemporary Art Fund of Meyrin Switzerland, the installation takes the form of a boat as a projection of the nest, the idea of ​​Noah’s ark – Teva in Hebrew – carrying on board all the species per couple, the ideals and the illusions. An ark washed up after the flood. A promise of a roof, a nest to rebuild and the fragility of the boat like a dream. A roof-boat where everything is reflected and first and foremost our projections. The nest-cocoon inside the boat, the only living thing, carries the promise of dreams. Maturation and growth space, matrix of what will hatch, it invites the visitor to question his changes of state. Dreams don’t touch, they live.

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