Matza | 1 | Abandoning the known, Abandoning to the unknown


have regularly talk to you about the unknown, the last weeks made me think about it in various ways.

Call In and Call out, building on the inside and the outside gave me the opportunity to work on two new project. The first one is organized by Severin Guelpa swiss artist who invited me to join a crew of artists, architects and sociologists to work on his ethical, human, ecologist and artistic project : Matza. During two weeks we will talk, elaborate, create in the Tunisian Kerkennah Island with the fishermans on the theme of water. The result will be exhibited in the National Bardo Museum in Tunis.
The second project is, at the invitation of the Meyrin Fond d'art contemporain, and thanks to Joseph Farine, an exhibition in the Jardin Alpin, about "Nests, burrows and other shelters".

Panic came from the second project. When the overwhelming finally vanished, when I tamed my fear, trying my best to walk a step at a time, and when finally it passed for good for lack of reason, I wondered why a leap into the Tunisian unknown, knowing very little about the subject, nothing about the artists, architects and sociologists I will share this adventure with, filled me with joy. While completing an art piece detailed file 3 months prior  its installation paralyzed me .

As you know, I have regularly been traveling into the foreign, giving up to what is beyond me. I  accept that my hands know , that they create what they have to, they sculpt, they write, they embroider, they gather, they invent, they make sens from what comes to them. Anticipating chance or, even worth, preventing it to happen in time because of to much rationality was taking me beyond myself, beyond my belief in the moment. I knew no more. I didn't need to know, but couldn't understand it.

Letting the unknown alive, and allow the possible to come out of it, is accepting that this unknown will show up long before any realization.

My proposal has been delivered to the Meyrin committee, here I am about to fly to Tunisia, I take you with me. Together, we will see whether, in time, our steps toward this unknown will regather with all our other movements, if they already are the signs. This unknown will it be contained in truths we already know, the already started apprenticeships ?

I love you, let the chance nourishes us until we encounter.


You will find here the invitations to the open house April 1st in Kerkennah  and to the Bardo National Museu openning April 14th

Nids, terriers et autres refuges|Jardin Botanique Alpin, Meyrin|projet|2017

Published the 25/03/2017

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